Do not we all find ourselves gripped in an everlasting question of what is right and what no so right/wrong?
Life throws on us a double or at times multiple options to choose from and to decide the right thing.
There is nothing right or wrong. In this world each one ofus is a unique creature with unique socializing environment that moulded us. It thus gavein the unique culture of our own i.e. our personality. Hence, we all think inour own way when a matter pops up. More of us who are adapted to the pre-conditions popped intoour young minds when we were tiny tots would behave same. Some of those wholearnt most of the things by their own thinking processes usually do not followthe lot. They might be called rebels but are the most creative people usually. Theymight not adhere to the things supposed to be RIGHT by the culture of thatplace as they may be in a process to form a completely different culture. A NEWWAY FORWARD from the way usually labelised as WRONG. We should think more on this.
The only truth is live life to the fullest with
passion for whatever one thinks is his life`s mission
on earth!!! The only truth is that there is no truth. It
is a matter of perspectives because of the life situations.
Comments anyone?