Thursday, April 30, 2009

Time has been judgemental ..eversince its existence is known ;)

Do not you feel so?.......TIME just the word seems so common even in the illiterates...why?
I think it is because it affects and judges us all. Its impact is wide enough to neglect its name "TIME".

The galaxies, the stars, the a whole has been judged by time. Their states depict the impact and the judgment of time on them. Beautiful and ruthless TIME can be at times :)

As they say about the mutual existence of things good vs evil, love vs hate....I was wondering who can oppose the merciless judgments of time?????.........there is something :) that can ditch time and we all can escape from the judgments of time........The Black holes

Wish we had something to switch between both of that we can give a nice TIME to TIME looking for got me right "The time machine"